DBConnect API

DBConnect API is an open source project aimed at developing an easy to use and uniform C++ API to access multiple databases on the Windows and Unix platforms.

DBConnect API uses the native API's of the Database Management Systems (DBMS) to achieve maximum speed and the lowest level of integration. DBConnect API is designed as a modular framework allowing database drivers to be loaded and unloaded dynamically during runtime.
The API is designed to be thread safe.

The current DBConnect API 0.3.x series is a rewrite of the 0.2.x series. Currently the 0.2.x series supports a greater number of database drivers than the 0.3.x series. If the 0.3.x series implements a databases driver that you require, then it is highly recommended that you use the 0.3.x series.

The current databases that are supported in the 0.3.x series:

 DBMS   Version   Windows Support   Unix Support   DBMS API 
IBM DB2 8   X DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface)
PostgreSQL 7 X X libpq
mSQL 3   X mSQL C Programming API

The following C/C++ compilers are supported:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 6 & .NET on the Windows platforms
  • GCC on the Unix platforms

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I would like to thank Biju Gopinath for the initial design of the look and feel of the DBConnect API web site.